
SIM&S provides physical and electronic security solutions. The following illustrates our expertise in key functional areas of electronic security services and solutions.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

SIM&S has partner with the Air Force to meet cybersecurity concerns, software and hardware vendors, system integrators, and other stakeholders need to work with end users to achieve a secure Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) solution. The U.S. government is focusing on the threat to the nation's critical infrastructure such as our electric grid, oil and gas pipelines, water and wastewater treatment facilities, and transportation infrastructures like tunnels and bridges. SIM&S has a team of experts in the Cyber SCADA world and will assist you to ensure your control systems are secure.

Alarm Monitoring

SIM&S provides professionals to serve as public safety call takers, dispatchers and alarm monitors. They are responsible for taking emergency and non-emergency calls from the installation communities. Ancillary functions performed in conjunction with alarm monitoring include after-hours Public Works and Explosive Ordinance Disposal telephone answering services. Upon receipt of an alarm or call, SIM&S personnel dispatch first-responders to the appropriate location using available Computer-Aided Dispatch or Automated Location Identification systems. Personnel also monitors weather alerts and broadcast alerts across local radio nets.